Advertising of banking products and services as an element of active banking marketing

321 Без рубрики

Competition in the banking services market, as well as an increase in customer requirements for banking services, lead to the fact that most banks use marketing as one of the methods of competition.

Features of marketing in the banking sector are due to the creation and sale of banking products. Thus, banking marketing tactics include advertising, promotion of a banking product on the market, organization of its sale or purchase.

The bank’s marketing budget includes expenses for marketing research, promotions (presentations, seminars, conferences), work with agents and direct sales. But the main share in the structure of the marketing budget is occupied by advertising costs. Under the current conditions, the banking advertising industry is becoming the most effective way to fight for customers. It helps potential consumers understand the huge selection of banking products and services, adequately assess their consumer properties and make the most appropriate choice for everyone.

The need for banks in high-quality advertising is due to a number of factors, such as increased competition with foreign credit institutions, an outflow of deposits from banks due to the development of the securities market, as well as increasing customer requirements for banking products and services. The emergence of non-banking financial institutions, such as pension and insurance funds, also stimulates the creation and development of banking advertising.

Banking advertising is a targeted informational impact on a potential consumer, which provides complete information about the range of financial services of the bank, builds its reputation, and also supports cooperation with counterparties.

The specificity of banking advertising consists of the qualitative features of banking activities, such as the intangibility of services, the variability of their quality, as well as inseparability from the qualifications of the people who provide them.

Advertising is a promotion tool that is designed to solve a number of important issues:

  • analysis and forecasting of customer preferences;
  • maintaining or increasing the level of competitiveness;
  • selling the maximum amount of a product or service;
  • sale at the highest possible price;
  • retention of buyers loyal to the advertised object.

The purpose of advertising activities is to create and maintain a positive image of the bank, different from the image of competitors, as well as to promote new types of banking products and services. The implementation of this goal takes place on a national scale with the use of television and other media.

When planning an advertising campaign, banks take into account the various needs of individual depositors and corporate clients. Thus, any bank focused on a wide market coverage must simultaneously conduct three advertising campaigns:

  • image advertising;
  • advertising aimed at individuals;
  • advertising aimed at legal entities.

Recently, banks have been gradually abandoning the traditional concept of advertising their products and services, referring to reliability and stability. An increasing number of financial institutions are focusing on dynamic development and modern technologies, thereby creating the image of a new generation of banks.

At the moment, banks tend to increase their costs not only for their own advertising, but also for studying the tactics and strategies of competitors. Marketing services analyze the market, its dynamics and, based on the data obtained, develop proposals for improving the advertising policy.

The aggravation of banking competition and the desire to increase the effectiveness of their advertising leads to the fact that banks are increasingly resorting to such a source of additional information as sociological research.

According to the survey results, 28% of site visitors want to see advertisements for banking services on the Internet. Of these, 11% of respondents indicated that advertising should be placed on search sites, another 11% pay attention to advertising on specialized portals dedicated to financial topics, and only 6% on entertainment and information sites.

A large number of respondents – 11% – believe that banks should advertise their products on television. 9% of respondents called outdoor advertising a good option for placing bank advertising.

In total, 20% of survey participants noted the press as one of the most effective advertising media.

Summing up all of the above, it should be noted that at present banks pay great attention to advertising, not only as a tool for creating and maintaining a positive image, but also as a means of promoting their products and services. Credit organizations are actively increasing their advertising budgets, expanding the scope of their activities on the Internet.

Thus, effective advertising in the face of growing competition in the banking sector is one of the decisive factors for the successful operation of a financial institution as a whole. The banking advertising industry as the main element of banking marketing is developing dynamically, as competition in the banking services market intensifies every year and banks are forced to organize large-scale events to attract new customers, including through direct advertising.